Immersive Homes - Tasmania

Drawing on over thirty-five years of experience in the building industry, we have launched Immersive Homes, a fully bespoke home-building company defined by the imaginations of our clients and made real by our expert team.

Offering a completely tailored experience to every one of our clients, we strive to deliver the same ideal as you have for your future home.

Bespoke building is a journey of discovery – especially when constructing a custom dwelling – which requires expert knowledge and experience to produce something amazing.

Our clients have big ideas, and they know what they want. They require much more than just a contract, they need a trustworthy building and design partner to guide them through the entire process and deliver what was agreed.

Through our many years of experience, we at Mead Con have the passion that drives us to create your perfect project, the interest to share your dream along the entire journey, and the capabilities and craftsmanship to achieve your goals.

With our dedication and commitment to producing work of the highest standard, we employ numerous control systems to ensure both our employees and our clients are always guaranteed to receive the highest level of work and care.

A custom-designed property is more than just a choice; it is the realisation of an imaginative idea that has often resonated within our clients’ minds for some time. More often than not, it is also so much more than merely the sum of the materials used to construct it, it’s about the intangible – the creation of a lifestyle.

We strive to create and build your ideal home to the greatest quality, with a truly personal touch and appreciation of the lifestyle you are seeking.

Why not call us today to discuss your dream home.

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completely tailored


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Bespoke building is a
journey of discovery

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it’s about the intangible –
the creation of a lifestyle

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